
This is my unsolicited Point of View and is _not_ a recommendation to buy/sell the security.

*** DO NOT *** attempt to trade unless you FULLY understand the associated (financial/emotional) risks and you FULLY accept responsibility of the results of your actions.

Mind the levels. Manage the risks. Protect your capital. Protect your gains.


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Monday, December 4, 2017

$MRC Study 20171204

$MRC Daily Chart as of December 4, 2017
$MRC Daily Chart as of December 4, 2017

1. Daily volume for the past 11 trading days have been higher than 50-day average.
2. CCI is poised to bounce at zero level. Last time it bounced was profitable.
3. RSI bounced the 50 level.
4. Both stochastic are still pointing down must turn up and rise.
5. That 0.5 trend line appears to be respected.

Mind the levels. Manage the risks. Protect your capital. Protect your gains.

DISCLAIMER: This is my unsolicited Point of View and is _not_ a recommendation to buy/sell the security.

*** DO NOT *** attempt to trade unless you FULLY understand the associated (financial/emotional) risks and you FULLY accept responsibility of the results of your actions.

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