
This is my unsolicited Point of View and is _not_ a recommendation to buy/sell the security.

*** DO NOT *** attempt to trade unless you FULLY understand the associated (financial/emotional) risks and you FULLY accept responsibility of the results of your actions.

Mind the levels. Manage the risks. Protect your capital. Protect your gains.


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Friday, December 22, 2017

PSE Index Status (as of December 22, 2017)

PSE Index Status (as of December 22, 2017)
PSE Index Status (as of December 22, 2017)

Notes: Attention is focused on green highlights for
1. Volume versus 20-day volume average
2. Net Foreign

Mind the levels. Manage the risks. Protect your capital. Protect your gains.

DISCLAIMER: This is my unsolicited Point oView and is _not_ a recommendation to buy/sell the security.

*** DO NOT *** attempt to trade unless you FULLY understand the associated (financial/emotional) risks and you FULLY accept responsibility of the results of your actions.

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